Energy Connections


Living Forces in Creative Inter/Intra-Action edited by Manuela Rossini

Introduction: Energy as a Nomadic Concept

Energy Forms: TransForming Dynamics  

Ibrahim Dincer & Yunus A. Cengel (2001) 
Energy, Entropy and Exergy Concepts and Their Roles in Thermal Engineering
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic (2011) 
Dynamics of Information as Natural Computation
Gordana Dodig-Cmkovic, ed. (forthcoming) 
Information and Energy/Matter
David Rudrauf et al. (2003) 
From Autopoesis to Neurophenomenology: Francisco Varela's Exploration of the Biophysics of Being
Nophea Sasaki, Toshiaki Owari and Francis E. Putz (2011) 
Time To Substitute Bioenergy for Nuclear Power in Japan
Libb Thims (2009) 
Human Thermodynamics. The study of heat and work interactions in human life processes

Energy Flows: Empowering Cosmopolitics

Eric J. Chaisson (2005) 
Follow the Energy: Relevance of Cosmic Evolution for Human History
Clare Colebrook (2010) 
Queer Vitalism
Geoffrey P. Hammond and Adrian B. Winnett (2009) 
The Influence of Thermodynamic Ideas on Ecological Economics: An Interdisciplinary Critique
Takeshi Naganuma (2009) 
An Astrobiological View on Sustainable Life
Dorion Sagan and Jessica Hope Whiteside (2004) 
Gradient Reduction Theory: Thermodynamics and the Purpose of Life
Eric D. Schneider and Dorion Sagan (2005) 
Webpage of: Into the Cool: Energy Flows, Thermodynamics, and Life
Isabelle Stengers, with Erin Manning and Brian Massumi (2008) 
History through the Middle: Between Macro and Micropolitics
Günther Witzany (2008) 
Bio-Communication of Bacteria and their Evolutionary Roots in Natural Genome Editing Competences of Viruses

Energy Matters: Entangling Physis and Semiosis

Karen Barad (2011) 
Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance: Dis/continuities, SpaceTime Enfoldings, and Justice-to-Come (pdf, available on 30 November 2011)
Henri Bergson (1920) 
Mind-Energy. Lectures and Essays
Søren Brier (2003) 
The Cybersemiotic Model of Communication: An Evolutionary Model at the Threshold between Semiosis and Informational Exchange
Søren Brier, ed. (2010) 
Cybersemiotics (special issue of Entropy). Click for an overview of the 11 papers published in this volume.
Bruce Clarke (1996) 
A Scientific Romance: Thermodynamics and the Fourth Dimension in Charles Howard Hinton’s ‘The Persian King’
Peter Harries-Jones (2010) 
Bioentropy, Aesthetics and Meta-dualism: The Transdisciplinary Ecology of Gregory Bateson
Isabelle Stengers (2010) 
Energy is Conserved! (permission to include PDF of book chapter granted by author, series editor and publisher; permission with original French-language publisher pending)

Energetic Art

Zane Berzina 
e-static shadows
Sher Doruff 
Anthony Dunne   
Hertzian Tales
Bill Seaman 
Recombinant Poetics
