Energy Connections


Living Forces in Inter/Intra-Action

ISBN: 978-1-60785-262-9

edited by Manuela Rossini

Introduction: Energy as a Nomadic Concept

Energy Forms: TransForming Dynamics  

Bruce Clarke
A Scientific Romance: Thermodynamics and the Fourth Dimension in Charles Howard Hinton’s ‘The Persian King’
Ibrahim Dincer, Yunus A. Cengel
Energy, Entropy and Exergy Concepts and Their Roles in Thermal Engineering
Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic
Dynamics of Information as Natural Computation
Gordana Dodig-Cmkovic, ed.
Information and Energy/Matter
David Rudrauf, Antoine Lutz, Diego Cosmelli, Jean-Philippe Lachaux, and Michel Le Van Quyen
From Autopoesis to Neurophenomenology: Francisco Varela's Exploration of the Biophysics of Being
Nophea Sasaki, Toshiaki Owari, Francis E. Putz
Time To Substitute Bioenergy for Nuclear Power in Japan

Energy Flows: Empowering Cosmopolitics

Eric J. Chaisson
Follow the Energy: Relevance of Cosmic Evolution for Human History
Clare Colebrook
Queer Vitalism
Geoffrey P. Hammond, Adrian B. Winnett
The Influence of Thermodynamic Ideas on Ecological Economics: An Interdisciplinary Critique
Takeshi Naganuma
An Astrobiological View on Sustainable Life
Dorion Sagan, Jessica Hope Whiteside
Gradient Reduction Theory: Thermodynamics and the Purpose of Life
Eric D. Schneider & Dorion Sagan
Into the Cool: Energy Flows, Thermodynamics, and Life
Isabelle Stengers, with Erin Manning, Brian Massumi
History through the Middle: Between Macro and Micropolitics

Energy Matters: Entangling Physis and Semiosis

Karen Barad
Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations of Inheritance: Dis/continuities, SpaceTime Enfoldings, and Justice-to-Come
Henri Bergson
Mind-Energy. Lectures and Essays
Søren Brier, ed.
Cybersemiotics (special issue of Entropy). Click for an overview of the 11 papers published in this volume.
Peter Harries-Jones
Bioentropy, Aesthetics and Meta-dualism: The Transdisciplinary Ecology of Gregory Bateson
Manuela Rossini
To the Dogs: Companion Speciesism and the New Feminist Materialism
Isabelle Stengers
Energy is Conserved!
Günther Witzany
Bio-Communication of Bacteria and their Evolutionary Roots in Natural Genome Editing Competences of Viruses

Energetic Art

Museum Boijmans Van Beunigen, Rotterdam 
New Energy in Design and Art
Tate Modern 
Level 5: Energy and Process
Zane Berzina 
e-static shadows
Anne Blonstein 
Sher Doruff 
Anthony Dunne   
Hertzian Tales
Bill Seaman 
Recombinant Poetics
