

Symbiosis: Ecologies, Assemblages and Mutations

edited by Janneke Adema and Pete Woodbridge 


Symbiosis and Evolution


Watson, R. A. and Pollack, J. B. How Symbiosis Can Guide Evolution

Jian Xu, Michael A. Mahowald, Ruth E. Ley et.all Evolution of Symbiotic Bacteria in the Distal Human Intestine

Jennifer J. Wernegreen Endosymbiosis: Lessons in Conflict Resolution


Ivan Emmanuel Wallin Symbionticism and the origin of species (1927)

Symbiosis and Ecology

Species Diversity

Christina Toft, Tom A. Williams, and Mario A. Fares Genome-Wide Functional Divergence after the Symbiosis of Proteobacteria with Insects Unraveled through a Novel Computational Approach

Media Ecologies

Matthew Fuller
Media Ecologies

Symbiosis and Posthumanism

Human/Machine Symbiosis

J.C.R. Licklider

Man-Computer symbiosis

Gerwin Schalk

Brain-Computer Symbiosis

Human-animal hybrids, chimeras and symbiosis

Anant Bhan, Peter A Singer, and Abdallah S Daar Human-animal chimeras for vaccine development: an endangered species or opportunity for the developing world?