
Symbiosis: Ecologies, Assemblages and Evolution

edited by Janneke Adema and Pete Woodbridge 


   Cladonia macilenta Amphiprion percula.JPG File:PloverCrocodileSymbiosis.jpg 

Symbiosis and Evolution

Watson, R. A. and Pollack, J. B. - How Symbiosis Can Guide Evolution



Jian Xu, Michael A. Mahowald, Ruth E. Ley - Evolution of Symbiotic Bacteria in the Distal Human Intestine

Jennifer J. Wernegreen - Endosymbiosis: Lessons in Conflict Resolution


Ivan Emmanuel Wallin - Symbionticism and the origin of species (1927)

Symbiosis and Ecology

Community Ecology

Jos C. Mieog, Jeanine L. Olsen, Ray Berkelmans - The Roles and Interactions of Symbiont, Host and Environment in Defining Coral Fitness

Biodiversity and complexity

Christina Toft, Tom A. Williams, and Mario A. Fares Genome-Wide Functional Divergence after the Symbiosis of Proteobacteria with Insects Unraveled through a Novel Computational Approach


Media Ecologies

Matthew Fuller
Media Ecologies

Symbiosis and Posthumanism

Human/Machine Symbiosis

J.C.R. Licklider

Man-Computer symbiosis

Gerwin Schalk

Brain-Computer Symbiosis

Human-animal hybrids, chimeras and symbiosis

Anant Bhan, Peter A Singer, and Abdallah S Daar Human-animal chimeras for vaccine development: an endangered species or opportunity for the developing world?

Machinic assemblages: Bugs, machines and viruses

Susan Schuppli - Of Mice Moths and Men Machines

Jussi Parikka - Digital Monsters, Binary Aliens – Computer Viruses, Capitalism and the Flow of Information

Melinda Rackham - Carrier becoming symborg