The Life of Air

The Life of Air: Dwelling, Communicating, Manipulating

edited by Monika Bakke


Monika Bakke

Dwelling in air

►Ann M. Womack, Brendan J. M. Bohannan, and Jessica L. Green

Biodiversity and biogeography of the atmosphere

►Anna A. Gorbushina, Renate Kort, Anette Schulte, David Lazarus, Bernhard Schnetger, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack, William J. Broughton, Jocelyne Favet

Life in Darwin's dust: intercontinental transport and survival of microbes in the nineteenth century

►Anders Hedenström

Extreme Endurance Migration: What Is the Limit to Non-Stop Flight?

►Elizabeth Thomas

Tomas Saraceno looks to the sky and sees possibilities

►Steven Connor

Taking to the air


Nonhuman volatile communication

►Frederick R. Adler

Plant signalling: the opportunities and dangers of chemical communication 

►Geraldine A. Wright, Florian P. Schiestl

The evolution of floral scent: the influence of olfactory learning by insect pollinators on the honest signalling of floral rewards 

►Michael R. Whitehead, Rod Peakall

Integrating floral scent, pollination ecology and population genetics 

►Corinna Thom, David C. Gilley, Judith Hooper, Harald E. Esch

The Scent of the Waggle Dance 

Anthropology of scents

►Gordon M. Shepherd

The Human Sense of Smell: Are We Better Than We Think? 

►Charles J. Wysocki, George Preti

Facts, fallacies, fears, and frustrations with human pheromones

►David Howes, Anthony Synnott, Constance Classen

Anthropology of odor

►Susana Camara Leret

Smellscapes: the loss of smell in a visual culture

►Usman Haque

Scents of space

Oswaldo Maciá, Jenny Marketou, Chrysanne Stathacos, Clara Ursitti

Odor limits


►Bogusław Buszewski, Martyna Kęsy, Tomasz Ligor, Anton Amann

Human exhaled air analytics: biomarkers of diseases

►Breath sounds
►Sabrina Raaf  

Breath I: pleasure
Breath Cultures

►Jarosław Kozakiewicz

Oxygen towers 

►Tomas Saraceno

Poetic Cosmos of the Breath 

►Ruud Kaulingfreks , René Ten Bos
Learning to fly: inspiration and togetherness

►M. J. Parkes

Breath-holding and its breakpoint

Airborne anxieties

►Simon Luechinger

Valuing Air Quality Using the Life Satisfaction Approach Valuing Air Quality Using the Life Satisfaction Approach

►G. Liccardi, A. Custovic, M. Cazzola, M. Russo, M. D'Amato, G. D'Amato

Avoidance of allergens and air pollutants in respiratory allergy

►Lisa Fong Poh Ng

The Virus That Changed My World

►How Flu Viruses Attack

►[[<iframe width="425" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> What you should know about biological warfare|iframe> What you should know about biological warfare]]

How to Survive- Biological or Chemical Attack

►Critical Art Ensamble

Bodies of Fear in a World of Threat
