The Life of Air

The Life of AIR



Monika Bakke, Air: multispecies use

Living in the air

Ann M. Womack, Brendan J. M. Bohannan, and Jessica L. Green

Biodiversity and biogeography of the atmosphere

Fact Sheet: Bioaerosols (Airborne Microorganisms)

Anna A. Gorbushina, Renate Kort, Anette Schulte, David Lazarus, Bernhard Schnetger, Hans-Jürgen Brumsack, William J. Broughton, Jocelyne Favet

Life in Darwin's dust: intercontinental transport and survival of microbes in the nineteenth century]

Anders Hedenström

What Is the Limit to Non-Stop Flight? What Is the Limit to Non-Stop Flight

Elizabeth Thomas, Tomas Saraceno looks to the sky and sees possibilities.

Steven Connor, Taking to the air


Nonhuman communication

= • Frederick R. Adler, Plant signalling: the opportunities and dangers of chemical communication =<span lang="EN-US" style="" />

= The evolution of floral scent: the influence of olfactory learning by insect pollinators on the honest signalling of floral rewards, Geraldine A. Wright, Florian P. Schiestl.<span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: "Times New Roman"; font-weight: normal;" /> =<span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: "Times New Roman";" />

= Integrating floral scent, pollination ecology and population genetics, Michael R. Whitehead, Rod Peakall =<span lang="EN-US" style="font-family: "Times New Roman";" />

Corinna Thom, David C. Gilley, Judith Hooper, Harald E. Esch, The Scent of the Waggle Dance <span lang="EN-US" />

Anthropology of smell

Gordon M. Shepherd

The Human Sense of Smell: Are We Better Than We Think?

David Howes, Anthony Synnott, Constance Classen

Anthropology of odor

Susana Camara Leret

Smellscapes: the loss of smell in a visual culture

Usman Haque

Scents of space


Breath sounds

Tomas Saraceno, Poetic Cosmos of the Breath, 2007 (The Arts Catalyst)

Sabrina Raaf

Breath I: pleasure
Breath Cultures

Ruud Kaulingfreks , René Ten Bos
Learning to fly: inspiration and togetherness,

Airborne anxieties

Airborne allergens/airborneallergens

Jeffrey Masters

Air pollution

Lisa Fong Poh Ng

The Virus That Changed My World

How Flu Viruses Attack (National Geographic)

What You Should Know About Biological Warfare

How to Survive- Biological or Chemical Attack

Critical Art Ensamble

Marching plague (2005-2007)

Darby Crash

They wanted the Germs; they got 'em