Animal Experience


ISBN: 978-1-60785-331-2

edited by Leon Niemoczynski and Stephanie Theodorou

Introduction: Consciousness and Emotions in the Natural World

This "living" book about life explores the nature and meaning of the emotional lives of nonhuman animals, focusing on how those lives are communicated to other living creatures (such as human beings) via affective states. By examining the emotional lives of animals and how they are communicated, we hope to re-examine how human beings interact with, and relate to, other living creatures that are capable of experiencing emotional lives.

The property of emotion, in both human and nonhuman species, implies a level of internal conscious experience which supports and includes related cognitive activity. Insight into animal emotion can be useful for understanding the evolutionary development we share with animals in terms of the common "brain-mind." This locus of cognitive activity in centralized nervous systems reveals to us that changes in affect accompany and enable communication and expression, facial and voice recognition of other individuals, and decision-making. These traits, in turn, suggest that most philosophically (and perhaps scientifically) traditional moral boundaries between humans and nonhuman animals may require serious rethinking. We therefore hope to address what impact a better understanding of the emotional lives of animals might have upon animal welfare and upon our deeply embedded beliefs concerning the nature of animal minds in general. (more...)

1. The Emotional Lives of Animals

Duncan Campbell 
Podcast Interview with Marc Bekoff and Jane Goodall – The Ten Trusts: Celebrating the Anima in All
Leon Niemoczynski and Stephanie Theodorou 
"The Emotional Lives of Animals: Interview with Leon Niemoczynski and Stephanie Theodorou" by Joe Gelonesi, broadcast internationally on the radio program The Philosopher's Zone, ABC National Radio, Australia (2014)
Michael Tobias 
A Review of Animal Minds: Awareness, Emotions and Heart by Marc Bekoff
Jaak Panksepp 
Affective Consciousness in Animals
Ram Vimal 
Attention and Emotion
Michael Mendl, Oliver H. P. Burman, and Elizabeth S. Paul 
An Integrative and Functional Framework for the Study of Animal Emotion and Mood
Manisha Rai 
Monkey Business: Emotion and Consciousness in Primates

2. Cognition, Emotion, and Motivation: The Mental/Psychological Lives of Animals

Jaak Panksepp 
Affective Neuroscience of the Emotional BrainMind: Evolutionary Perspectives and Implications for Understanding Depression
Alexandra G. Rosati and Brian Hare 
Chimpanzees and Bonobos Exhibit Emotional Responses to Decision Outcomes
Thierry Steimer
Animal Models of Anxiety Disorders in Rats and Mice: Some Conceptual Issues
Joshua M. Plotnik, Frans B. M. de Waal, and Diana Reiss
Self-recognition in an Asian Elephant
Barbara King - How Animals Grieve

3. Broadcasting Consciousness in Animals: Cognition and Communication

Marian Stamp Dawkins
Animal Minds and Animal Emotion
Marina Scheumann, Anna-Elisa Roser, Wiebke Konerding, Eva Bleich, Hans-Jürgen Hedrich and Elke Zimmermann
Vocal Correlates of Sender-identity and Arousal in the Isolation Calls of Domestic Kitten (Felis silvestris catus)
Andrew J Tate, Hanno Fischer, Andrea E Leigh, and Keith M Kendrick
Behavioural and Neurophysiological Evidence for Face Identity and Face Emotion Processing in Animals
Public Radio International with Carol Hills
Bottlenose Dolphins Whistling On A First Name Basis

4. The Impact of Animal Psychology on our Understanding of Animal Welfare

Leonor Galhardo and Rui F Oliveira
Psychological Stress and Welfare in Fish
Nichola M Brydges and Victoria A Braithwaite
Measuring Animal Welfare: What Can Cognition Contribute?
Jung Hwan Jeon, Jun Ik Song, Doo Hwan Kim
A Note on Acoustic Analysis of Dairy Calves’ Vocalizations at 1 Day after Separation from Dam
David Fraser
Understanding Animal Welfare

5. The Ethics of Human Interrelations with Animals: What Do We Know Now and How Does it Affect Our Interactions with Animals?

Marc Bekoff
’Good Welfare’ Isn’t ‘Good Enough
Mikaela Ciprian, Laura D'Olimpio, Ram Pandit, Dominique Blache
An Analysis of Ethics and Emotion in Written Texts about the Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes
Thomas G. Kelch
The Role of the Rational and the Emotive in a Theory of Animal Rights
Kendal Shepherd
The Role of the Companion Animal Veterinary Surgeon in Behavioural Husbandry
Agostino Sevi, Donato Casamassima, Giuseppe Pulina, Antonio Pazzona
Factors of Welfare Reduction in Dairy Sheep and Goats

6. Animal Emotion and Cognition: Philosophical Considerations

Ancient Approaches

Mary Ann Violin, “The First Animal Rights Philosopher”
“Creation of the World Animal” in The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
The History of Animals
On the Soul

Medieval Approaches

Saint Thomas Aquinas
Judith Barad, “Aquinas’ Inconsistency on the Nature and the Treatment of Animals”

Modern Approaches

René Descartes
Discourse on Method (Part V)
J. Cottingham, 'A Brute to the Brutes?': Descartes' Treatment of Animals
John Locke
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (Book II. 27, Identity, Matter, and Bodies)
Edwin McCann, "Locke on Identity: Matter, Life, and Consciousness"

19th Century Approaches

Arthur Schopenhauer
“Comparative Anatomy” from On the Will in Nature
“Animal Magnetism and Magic” from On the Will in Nature
On the Basis of Morality
G.W.F. Hegel
The Philosophy of Nature
Charles Darwin
On the Expressions of Emotions in Man and Animals
Charles Sanders Peirce
“The Law of Mind”
Robert Lane, “Peirce-onhood: Persons as Semiotic Animals”
William James
“On a Certain Blindness in Human Beings”
John Dewey
Experience and Nature

20th and Early 21st Century Approaches

Alfred North Whitehead
Susan Armstrong-Buck, “Nonhuman Experience: A Whiteheadian Analysis”
Amos Yong, “Personal Selfhood and Human Experience in Whitehead’s Philosophy of Organism”
Steven Shaviro, “Pulses of Emotion”
Charles Hartshorne
Judith Barad, “Review of The Metaphysics of Animal Rights”
L. Keeling, “Feeling as a Metaphysical Category: Hartshorne from an Analytical View”
Bruno Latour
"What is Given in Experience?"
Isabelle Stengers
"Reclaiming Animism"
Philippe Descola - All Kinds of Animals


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